Corporate Governance
Committee Composition
Governance Documents
Ethics Compliance
The Board of Directors of Neurocrine Biosciences has adopted a Code of Business Conduct and Ethics applicable to employees, directors, consultants, and vendors, a link to which can be found on this page. The Board has also established an ethics hotline for reporting potential violations of this Code.
If you have any questions or concerns, you can contact the Neurocrine Ethics Hotline at (800) 688-2908 or visit NeurocrineEthics.com.
Vermont Prescriber Information
Notice to Vermont Prescribers. The Vermont “Pharmaceutical Marketer Price Disclosure Law (33 V.S.A. 2005a),” requires pharmaceutical marketers to disclose to Vermont doctors and other prescribers the prices of drugs they market as well as the prices of other drugs in the same therapeutic class. This information for Neurocrine Biosciences, Inc. products is provided.